Dental Abscess

Same-Day Dental Emergency Appointment Available in Casula

Dental Abscess Treatment Casula

A dental abscess is a pus build-up that forms inside the teeth or gums. Dental abscess can occur in different parts of the tooth for different reasons.


A periapical abscess occurs at the end of the tooth root, whereas a periodontal abscess occurs in the gums at the sides of a tooth root.

Your Casula dentist will treat a dental abscess by draining it and removing the infection.

We may be able to save your tooth with a root canal treatment, but in worst cases, the tooth may need to be extracted.

If left untreated, dental abscesses can lead to serious and even life-threatening complications.

Causes of Dental Abscess

Periapical dental abscesses occur when the dental pulp — the deepest part of the tooth composed of blood vessels, sensitive nerves, and connective tissues — is infected by bacteria.

Bacteria is absorbed through a dental cavity or an opening in the tooth and spreads down to the sensitive areas. This can cause swelling and inflammation to the tip of the root.


Symptoms of Dental Abscess

Symptoms of dental abscesses include:

  • pain when biting or touched
  • sensitivity to extreme temperatures
  • foul taste in the mouth
  • fever
  • generally unwell feeling
  • difficulty in opening the mouth
  • difficulty in sleeping

Treatments for Dental Abscess

Dental abscesses are addressed by removing the source of the infection and draining away all the pus.

The possible treatments are the following:

Root canal treatment to remove the abscess from the root of an affected tooth before filling and sealing it.

Tooth extraction may be needed if root canal treatment is impossible.

Incision and drainage during which an incision is made in the gum to drain the abscess.

In procedures, a local anaesthetic will be administered to numb the area.

More extensive procedures may be performed under general anaesthesia, which puts you to sleep.

Antibiotics are not routinely recommended for dental abscesses but may be used if the infection has spread or is particularly severe.

Preventing Dental Abscess

Avoiding tooth decay/cavities is important in preventing dental abscesses. Take care of your teeth to avoid tooth decay.

Here are some tips:

  • Drink enough fluoridated water.
  • Brush your teeth properly at least twice a day with a fluoride-containing toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Floss daily to clean between your teeth.
  • Use an antibacterial or a fluoride mouthwash to add an extra layer of protection against tooth decay.
  • Change your toothbrush once every three months, or when the bristles become worn or frayed.
  • Eat healthy foods and limit the intake of sugary and between-meal snacks.
  • Visit your Casula dentist for regular check-ups and professional cleanings.

Dental Abscess Treatment in Casula

If you have a dental abscess and wish to see your Casula dentist immediately, call us and set an appointment now.

Visit your Casula dentist today!

Same-Day Dental Emergency Appointment Available in Casula

To book your dental emergency appointment in Casula, please call us on (02) 919 99695 or request your appointment online.

We are located at Shop 17A Casula Mall, 1 Ingham Drive in Casula.


Can a dental abscess heal on its own?
Dental abscesses don’t go away on their own, so it’s essential to see your Casula dentist if you suspect you have one.

If ignored, it may spread to your jaw or other areas of your head or neck.

What happens if an abscess ruptures in your mouth?
The abscess can usually be drained by your Casula dentist, and the tooth can be saved if it is not severely damaged.

If left untreated, the abscess may burst onto the skin of the face or into the mouth.

Can dental abscesses be prevented?
Most dental abscesses can be prevented, as they are complications of tooth decay or gum disease. Both of these can be prevented with good oral hygiene and maintaining a healthy dental-friendly lifestyle.

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